Summery about Pooyandegan
This company has the honor of providing several feasible technical- economical projects relating to Ceramic and Refractory material Industries with benefiting from its past experiences and having the administrative records of ...

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To supply various refractory insulating bricks
To supply various ceramic fibers
To supply various kinds of unshaped insulating materials including mortar, ramming, gunning and castable materials
To provide ceramic rollers
To supply some parts made of Mullite and Cordierite as kiln ferniture, Chamotte and Alumina Fire Brick and Slabes
To provide various corrosion resistant coatings
To provide various abrasion-resistant coatings
To provide certain types of raw materials utilized in refractory material industries, ceramic and slurry casting


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Two main activities of this company regarding to its management records and its organized group follow as:
First main activities
To carry out detailed studies, develop technical and economic justifications for some ... 
Second main activities
To provide raw materials, industrial goods and certain types of equipment and machinery ...